这周选的SRPT很幸运有12+%的收益。SRPT is one of three top picks in 2018 for my small/mid cap holdings, the other two are OSTK and VRX. SRPT 上周had dip to the support area, slightly above 50dma which has acted as the strong support for a long time. 所以这周很自然的就选了SRPT. SRPT 的基本面很强,后市继续看好!
这次出国时间太长没有tracking 股票,图形看了一下,做short不太对.
这周选的SRPT很幸运有12+%的收益。SRPT is one of three top picks in 2018 for my small/mid cap holdings, the other two are OSTK and VRX. SRPT 上周had dip to the support area, slightly above 50dma which has acted as the strong support for a long time. 所以这周很自然的就选了SRPT. SRPT 的基本面很强,后市继续看好!
上周能源板块高位整理,随时重启反弹, 于是我打算从这个板块选股, 刚好我的期权系统扫描到了YPF的做多大单,看图YPF 回调到了50MA 支撑,如果板块判断无误的话,应该能有好的表现。
选FIZZ: 好股票,可以中长期持有,最简单在50MA 100 MA上,看到地铺或刚从地铺反弹,可以跟进,70+% 左右的成功率,但以前也在AAOI 上失败过. 本群藏龙卧虎,除了群主,托神,还有很多高人大隐隐于市.长期排名前面的好多statistic 都比俺好很多!值得学习,点赞!