美股,季报,时间表,预测, 期权交易
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Q&A Seed’s Indicator

  • How to use 1Hr, 4HR, 1Day signal.

daily signal is a good trend signal , usually if uptrend still , you still do not have position yet , next day buy dip as long as 4 hours buy still valid, the level is easy to find ( any pivots or hourly moving average , etc). 因为有trend reversal 的时候,从所以通常建议, 在daily buy signal showed up 之后第一天进场, 如果daily buy signal has already kept for 7 days , definitely be careful for next day reversal signal

  • 以前股市牛转熊的时候,er如何?

自己看2015~2016 的走法就明白了, semiconductors 领跌, commodity 领跌, economy get weak , deflation risk loom large . Now still low inflation , low unemployment , the most economic friendly environment


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