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10/23/2018 投资分析

UST2Y 2-year US treasury yield is causing the market to tumble

SPY nice double bottom reversal today off key weekly support area. Need to see the follow-through in the next two days. The volume was good.

ES has stoch divergence. It needs follow-through to confirm the reversal.

QQQ a similar reversal story

QQQ with 5/10/200 sma confluence

NQ double bottom at channel support

IWM 2-year channel bottom support

VXX potential double top

SSEC 这个是昨天上证综指的月线图,底部已经在了,买就可以了

BTCUSD 还是没有方向,波动相当小。26日期货到期。

AAPL had a nice bounce today

TSLA 244 has been a strong support dated back 2014. Either 370 or 194. It will report earnings tomorrow.

AMRN increasing price decreasing volume

AMZN is waiting for its earning report tomorrow.

GOOGL is waiting for its earning report tomorrow.

HD at weekly support with the most oversold RSI in 15 years

SQ falling wedge into support

COST long setup

NVDA might reverse

CMG price target

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