上周选股思路(ICPT):由于patient death 引发的恐慌导致ICPT 在一星期内跌了40%,技术指标严重超卖,RSI 下降到了20以下. 从FA的角度看,patient deaths were caused by overdose, doctor didn’t follow the label prescribing information, patients were given 5mg daily instead of a dose no greater than 10mg twice weekly per label specification. 由此看,很大概率ICPT股票是被错杀,在$57-$58的价位,risk/reward is favorable for long.
我选sq要感谢@RichardTTTTT 的介绍认识了这只股,持有此股一段时间,加上@Thomas 上星期发图sq突破前期平台,macd同时金叉,50<rsi<80.
我选STMP要感谢@Vince 的推荐,看了他的business model,it enables users to print electronic postage directly onto envelopes, plain paper, or labels using personal computer, printer, and Internet connection。 With government regulation, high entry barrier, still some sort of monopoly so far. Chart wise, MACD daily golden cross above 0, and price close to ma50
我选APPF 是因为一直在我的hold list 上。这两年一直慢慢往上爬。当没有其他好的选择的时候我就会想到它。
总亚军@Option Fan的分享:
我选ELLI 主要是Reversion To Mean,小时级别可看RSI,EMA,日线刚从 20日price channel 起来,从点位看人出都非理想,总算能positive. 我理解的TA 就三种:RTM,Trend 和volatility. 炒短线把这些分清楚基本就是赚钱/亏钱分界线. 托神发过的帖子里有股神的观点我比较认同.炒股只有四种结果:赚钱 亏钱 好的交易 和 坏的交易